Monday, May 25, 2020--Day 34
___Oral practise Bible verse (Heb 12:2)
___Fill in dates on May calendar ___Fill in weather on May weather graph
___Phonograms: Oral practise on all multi-letter phonograms
___Reading: Quiet Reading time (10 min) and oral reading time (Epic, Reading A-Z)
___Spelling: New words to print 2x in Spelling books:sing, sang, song, sung, doll, feet, zoo, miss/Miss, add, lace
___Math: Subtraction review practise page
___Writing: Journal entry--Copy and complete this sentence: “My family likes to ______together.” Now draw and color a picture.
___Bible: Ascension Day! Read and color.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020--Day 35
___Oral practise Bible verse (Heb 12:2)
___Fill in dates on May calendar ___Fill in weather on May weather graph
___Phonograms: Oral practise on all multi-letter phonograms
___Reading: Quiet Reading time (10 min) and oral reading time (Epic, Reading A-Z)
___Spelling: Rainbow words (use colored pencils/markers to print words 2x on sheet)
___Math: Data Management pg.
___Writing: Grammar pg.(Contractions)
___Science: Go to Mystery Science (google)--clk on Light & Sounds Watch Lesson 3--Light, Materials, Transparent and Opaque
Wednesday, May 27, 2020--Day 36
___Oral practise Bible verse (Heb 12:2)
___Fill in dates on May calendar ___Fill in weather on May weather graph
___Phonograms: Oral practise on all multi-letter phonograms
___Reading: Quiet Reading time (10 min) and oral reading time (Epic, Reading A-Z)
___Spelling: Spelling City practise games (see blog page)
___Math: Math Game “ Frog Races”
___Writing: Comprehension Story (read aloud and answer questions)”My Backpack”
___Socials: Mapping---”Map Treasure” workpage
Thursday, May 28, 2020--Day 37
___Oral practise Bible verse (Heb 12:2)
___Fill in dates on May calendar ___Fill in weather on May weather graph
___Phonograms: Oral practise on all multi-letter phonograms
___Reading: Quiet Reading time (10 min) and oral reading time (Epic, Reading A-Z)
___Spelling: Spelling City pre-test (see blog page)
___Math: Addition review pg.
___Writing: Read, answer and draw “Sara the Seal”
___Socials: Mapping--Can You Find It pg.
Friday, May 29, 2020--Day 38
___Oral practise Bible verse (Heb 12:2)
___Fill in dates on May calend___Fill in weather on May weather graph
___Phonograms: Oral practise on all multi-letter phonograms
___Reading: Quiet Reading time (10 min) and oral reading time (Epic, Reading A-Z)
___Spelling: Spelling Test on Spelling City (blog page)
___Math: Pattern Review--Make an ABC,ABC pattern with objects from your house. Take a picture and send it to me. (My example from kitchen--fork, knife, spoon, fork, knife, spoon etc. Now make your own!)
___Writing:Word relationships pg.
___Science: Man-made Light vs. God-made Light. Use resource pages provided to print words in chart.
Pictures Needed:
1 Science, 1 Socials, 1 Math, 1 Writing, Pattern Creation picture