Saturday, 30 May 2020
Library Books
For students returning to school this week please have your child return any and all library books. Students bring them into the classroom for return. If your child is not returning to school, please drop off the books in the school foyer on the specified black cart. We would like to have all library books returned by Friday, June 5. Thank you!
Friday, 29 May 2020
Letter to Parents
Dear parents,
Starting on June 1,
classes will be reopening for students to return. In preparation for students
returning, we wanted to share some information based on what we know right now.
In these strange and interesting times, these plans may change as the first day
back arrives and we see how things flow. However, I wanted to connect with you
and provide you with some items to consider.
First of all, as the BC
Government has stated, returning to school is voluntary. After reviewing the
plans laid out by our school admin, you are able to decide what is best for
your child and decide whether to send your child back to school.
Here is a list of
changes and procedures we have developed to help follow the social distancing
and safety guidelines and recommendations put forward by the BC government:
- Student Health: Prior to sending your child to school each morning, we
would ask that you check for signs of illness, including taking your
child’s temperature. If you find signs of a fever or other signs of
illness, we would ask that you keep your child at home. Whether you feel
that it might be allergies or something else not Covid related, we would
rather you err on the safe side. If a child shows signs of illness while
at school, students will be isolated and parents informed that their child
needs to be picked up immediately.
- Students will be returning in
smaller groups. As recommended by the BC
Government, class sizes are being split in half to accommodate social
distancing guidelines. At this point, the school admin have designated
Mondays and Wednesdays as the days for students with last names starting
from A-L. Tuesdays and Thursdays will be for students whose last names
begin with the letters M-Z. Unfortunately, we can not consider placing
students based on friendship groupings as that becomes too difficult
- Blogs and Google Classroom will
still be used to provide learning activities for all students. Students returning to school will do a combination of
activities related to what has been posted online and
extension/supplementary activities along with Health/Bible, Library and
Gym. Grade 6 students will not have library periods during their time at
school. Students staying at home will still be able to access the activities
provided online. However, items like morning meetings, instructional
videos, read alouds, etc. will not be provided as teachers work to
maintain in-class learning.
- Our school week will also look
a little different. We will be
starting school at the normal time. However, we will be ending school at
2:30. This allows teachers the opportunity to contact students who are at
home. In school classes will also not be operating on Fridays, to allow
teachers time to connect with students at home.
For Grade 6: Students will only be in school on Mondays (Students with last
names starting with A-L) and Tuesdays (Students with last names starting with
M-Z) depending on their last name. The rest of the week, Grade 6 teachers will
continue to be available to connect with students at home, answering questions
and checking-in.
- School drop-off and pick-up
procedures: In order to minimize the
number of students congregating before and after school, we would ask that
you attempt to drop your child off as close to the starting bell as
possible so that students can go to class right away. Classes will be open
at 8:45. At the end of the day, students will be taken outside by their
teacher and lined-up. Parents can collect their child from the line-up or
children will be released as their parents are spotted arriving in their
vehicles. As we are trying to minimize numbers of students congregating
and practice social distancing, students can not be released straight from
classrooms to the playgrounds or field areas. Please collect your child as
close to 2:30 as possible.
- Uniforms and Gym: Students are allowed to wear their Knight clothes to
school instead of their school uniforms. Students will not be changing for
gym classes and will not need their PE uniforms.
- Recesses and lunch will be
staggered to keep the number of students in our outdoor spaces to a
minimum. Students will be encouraged to
avoid physical contact with other students while inside and outside.
- Please bring water bottles: As our water fountains will be closed to students,
students should bring a refillable water bottle.
- Supplies: For those students returning, please send all materials
that were sent home so that students have items to use while at school.
Glue, scissors, pencil crayons, chromebooks, etc will all be useful for
students upon returning. Most items will be able to be kept in school in
bags. Lockers will be off limits. Chromebooks will go back and forth with students. Please make
sure to send the following specific items:
- Pencil box with pencils, crayons, pencil crayons, scissor and glue stick (no duotangs needed)
- Your child may take along a personal toy or a small bag of lego to play with but no remote control items or any electronic items. They will not be permitted to share these with other students.
- Social Distancing
Considerations: While we will attempt to
follow the guidelines set out by the BC Government as best as possible,
students may still be in close contact with other students. However,
especially during outside periods, the focus will be on limiting physical
human contact between students. Students and staff will have the option of
wearing masks while at school. Desks will be reduced and spaced to provide
distance between students, while in class and hand washing will be done
several times a day. While the Government has stated that outdoor
playgrounds are safe to use, staggered recesses, closing the Ga-Ga Ball
pit and specifying that there should be no physical contact will all be
put into place to help with social distancing.
Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all
circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 1
Thessalonians 5:16-18
We miss seeing all our
students. Their smiles, laughter, sparkling eyes and individual personalities
are all things we have missed tremendously over these last weeks. We recognize
that this reopening is not school as normal. Highroad Academy is working hard
to provide a safe environment for our students while also trying to provide an
opportunity for students to connect with their teachers and fellow classmates
before the end of the year. However, we certainly understand if the guidelines
feel too onerous or scary for your child. With the information that has been
provided, please feel free to make your decision based on your own family and
circumstances. If you have any further questions, please email our Elementary
Department Head, Ian Hancock, to get more information.
To all the amazing
families we have at Highroad who have journeyed with us in these trying times,
we want to say thank you. Thank you for your grace. Thank you for your
patience. Thank you for your support and prayers. Whichever decision you make,
please know that we are praying for you, missing you and looking forward to the
day when we will be together again as a Highroad community.
Mrs FolkertsFriday, 22 May 2020
Lesson Plans May 25-29
Monday, May 25, 2020--Day 34
___Oral practise Bible verse (Heb 12:2)
___Fill in dates on May calendar ___Fill in weather on May weather graph
___Phonograms: Oral practise on all multi-letter phonograms
___Reading: Quiet Reading time (10 min) and oral reading time (Epic, Reading A-Z)
___Spelling: New words to print 2x in Spelling books:sing, sang, song, sung, doll, feet, zoo, miss/Miss, add, lace
___Math: Subtraction review practise page
___Writing: Journal entry--Copy and complete this sentence: “My family likes to ______together.” Now draw and color a picture.
___Bible: Ascension Day! Read and color.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020--Day 35
___Oral practise Bible verse (Heb 12:2)
___Fill in dates on May calendar ___Fill in weather on May weather graph
___Phonograms: Oral practise on all multi-letter phonograms
___Reading: Quiet Reading time (10 min) and oral reading time (Epic, Reading A-Z)
___Spelling: Rainbow words (use colored pencils/markers to print words 2x on sheet)
___Math: Data Management pg.
___Writing: Grammar pg.(Contractions)
___Science: Go to Mystery Science (google)--clk on Light & Sounds Watch Lesson 3--Light, Materials, Transparent and Opaque
Wednesday, May 27, 2020--Day 36
___Oral practise Bible verse (Heb 12:2)
___Fill in dates on May calendar ___Fill in weather on May weather graph
___Phonograms: Oral practise on all multi-letter phonograms
___Reading: Quiet Reading time (10 min) and oral reading time (Epic, Reading A-Z)
___Spelling: Spelling City practise games (see blog page)
___Math: Math Game “ Frog Races”
___Writing: Comprehension Story (read aloud and answer questions)”My Backpack”
___Socials: Mapping---”Map Treasure” workpage
Thursday, May 28, 2020--Day 37
___Oral practise Bible verse (Heb 12:2)
___Fill in dates on May calendar ___Fill in weather on May weather graph
___Phonograms: Oral practise on all multi-letter phonograms
___Reading: Quiet Reading time (10 min) and oral reading time (Epic, Reading A-Z)
___Spelling: Spelling City pre-test (see blog page)
___Math: Addition review pg.
___Writing: Read, answer and draw “Sara the Seal”
___Socials: Mapping--Can You Find It pg.
Friday, May 29, 2020--Day 38
___Oral practise Bible verse (Heb 12:2)
___Fill in dates on May calend___Fill in weather on May weather graph
___Phonograms: Oral practise on all multi-letter phonograms
___Reading: Quiet Reading time (10 min) and oral reading time (Epic, Reading A-Z)
___Spelling: Spelling Test on Spelling City (blog page)
___Math: Pattern Review--Make an ABC,ABC pattern with objects from your house. Take a picture and send it to me. (My example from kitchen--fork, knife, spoon, fork, knife, spoon etc. Now make your own!)
___Writing:Word relationships pg.
___Science: Man-made Light vs. God-made Light. Use resource pages provided to print words in chart.
Pictures Needed:
1 Science, 1 Socials, 1 Math, 1 Writing, Pattern Creation picture
Saturday, 16 May 2020
Lesson Plans May 19-22
Tuesday, May 19, 2020--Day 29
___Oral practise Bible verse (Heb. 12:2)
___Fill in date on May calendar
___Fill in weather on May weather graph
___Phonograms (oral practise of all multi-letter phonograms)
(no new Spelling words this week due to Monday holiday--short week)
___Reading: Quiet reading time (10 min) and oral reading time (Epic Books or Reading A-Z)
___Math: Subtraction (-9) pg.
___Writing: Journal entry--Print sentence and illustrate “The thing I miss most about school is..”
___Science: Light---How We See pg.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020--Day 30
___Oral practise Bible verse (Heb. 12:2)
___Fill in date on May calendar
___Fill in weather on May weather graph
___Phonograms (oral practise of all multi-letter phonograms)
(no new Spelling words this week due to Monday holiday--short week)
___Reading: Quiet reading time (10 min) and oral reading time (Epic Books or Reading A-Z)
___Math: Data Analysis pg.
___Writing: Story Comprehension (Read story and answer questions) “The Circus”
___Socials: Mapping---Glue and paste items using the compass directions
Thursday, May 21, 2020--Day 31
___Oral practise Bible verse (Heb. 12:2)
___Fill in date on May calendar
___Fill in weather on May weather graph
___Phonograms (oral practise of all multi-letter phonograms)
(no new Spelling words this week due to Monday holiday--short week)
___Reading: Quiet reading time (10 min) and oral reading time (Epic Books or Reading A-Z)
___Math: Subtraction review pg.(story problems)
___Writing: Grammar pg.(Contractions)
___Science: Light---Light Sources (what produces light, what does not) pg. Cut, sort, glue
Friday, May 22, 2020--Day 33
___Oral practise Bible verse (Heb. 12:2)
___Fill in date on May calendar
___Fill in weather on May weather graph
___Phonograms (oral practise of all multi-letter phonograms)
(no new Spelling words this week due to Monday holiday--short week)
___Reading: Quiet reading time (10 min) and oral reading time (Epic Books or Reading A-Z)
___Math: Addition review pg. (story problems)
___Writing: Story Comprehension/Draw pg. “My Funny Cat”
___Socials: Mapping---”In the Neighborhood” pg.
Extra Fun:
Spelling: Use Spelling City to practise words from previous lists
Creative: “If I Could be an Animal”
Math: Dalmatian Dots (count by 10’s) Flowers by Five (count by 5’s)
Stories on video for you to listen to: “The Very Impatient Caterpillar”
“I Don’t Want to Be a Frog”
Pictures to Send:
1 Math, 1 Writing 1 Socials 1 Science= 4 pages
Saturday, 9 May 2020
Lesson Plans May 11-15
Monday, May 11, 2020--Day 24
____Practise Bible verse (Heb. 12:2)
____Fill in Calendar numbers
____Fill in Weather graph for the day
____Oral Practise Phonograms (ay, ai, ch, dge, ear, ee, er, ie, igh, ir, ng, oa, oo, or, ow, ou, th, ur, wh, wor, wr)
____Reading alone (10 min) and oral reading books from Epic or Reading A-Z
____Math: Subtraction pg (-7)
____Spelling: New words: season, storm, corn, tree, blow, alike, put, river, each, dinner
____Writing: Journal write: “I love my mother because……”
____Bible: “Saul disobeys God” (Story and coloring)
Tuesday, May 12, 2020--Day 25
____Practise Bible verse (Heb. 12:2)
____Fill in Calendar number
____Fill in Weather graph for the day
____Oral Practise Phonograms (ay, ai, ch, dge, ear, ee, er, ie, igh, ir, ng, oa, oo, or, ow, ou, th, ur, wh, wor, wr)
____Reading alone (10 min) and oral reading books from Epic or Reading A-Z
____Math: Data Management: graphing
____Spelling: Spelling City (practise words through games)
____Writing: Comprehension Story “I Am A Pirate”
____Science: New Unit: “Light and Sound”--Brainpop Jr. “Light” video
Wednesday, May 13, 2020--Day 26
____Practise Bible verse (Heb. 12:2)
____Fill in Calendar number
____Fill in Weather graph for the day
____Oral Practise Phonograms (ay, ai, ch, dge, ear, ee, er, ie, igh, ir, ng, oa, oo, or, ow, ou, th, ur, wh, wor, wr)
____Reading alone (10 min) and oral reading books from Epic or Reading A-Z
____Math: Subtraction pg (-8)
____Spelling: Spelling City games
____Writing: Cloze sentences pg.
____Socials: Watch Reading Maps (on BrainPop Jr.) Compass Rose pg.
Thursday, May 14, 2020--Day 27
____Practise Bible verse (Heb. 12:2)
____Fill in Calendar number
____Fill in Weather graph for the day
____Oral Practise Phonograms (ay, ai, ch, dge, ear, ee, er, ie, igh, ir, ng, oa, oo, or, ow, ou, th, ur, wh, wor, wr)
____Reading alone (10 min) and oral reading books from Epic or Reading A-Z
____Math: Larger and Smaller Numbers
____Spelling: Spelling City Pretest
____Writing: Question & Answer “King of the Jungle”
____Science: Light: Watch Mystery Science video--Sounds & Vibrations
Friday, May 15, 2020--Day 28
____Practise Bible verse (Heb. 12:2)
____Fill in Calendar number
____Fill in Weather graph for the day
____Oral Practise Phonograms (ay, ai, ch, dge, ear, ee, er, ie, igh, ir, ng, oa, oo, or, ow, ou, th, ur, wh, wor, wr)
____Reading alone (10 min) and oral reading books from Epic or Reading A-Z
____Math: Review of Basic Addition
____Spelling: Spelling City Test
____Writing: Grammar (Opposites)
____Socials: Map of Zoo
Extra Activities (optional)
Math: Dot-to-Dot,
Art: Take something from recycle and reuse it to make something new. Use your imagination!
Stories on video:
What if everybody did that? Needed:
1 Math pg
1 Writing pg
1 Socials pg
1 Science pg
Friday, 8 May 2020
HRA Parent Meet
Hello Parents on Tuesday evening, May 12 at 6:30pm, there will be a Parents Zoom meeting, please join in this meeting with Mr Morris. To the join the meeting, all the information should have been sent to you in a an email from the school. Thank You
Join Zoom Meeting
Tuesday, 5 May 2020
Chapel Video
Hello everyone, here is the lastest Chapel Video, just click on the link.
Saturday, 2 May 2020
Lesson Plans: May 4-8
Monday, May 4,
2020--Day 19
___Bible verse: (new for the month of May)
“Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith; who
for the joy set before him, endured the cross, scorning its shame and sat down
at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:2
___Calendar: (new for May) Fill in numbers
___Weather chart (new for May) Fill in weather
___Phonograms: Oral review of: ay, ai,
ch, dge, ear, eee, ie, igh, ir, ng, oa, oo, or, ow, ou, th, ur, wh, wor, wr
___Reading: Quiet Reading (10 min)
Practise oral reading (Reading A-Z or Epic Books)
___Spelling: New words: what,
spring, summer, fall, winter, or, yet, moon, than, take
(Print words two times in blue Spelling books)
___Writing: Journal entry
___Math: Subtraction (-5)
___Bible: “Saul is made King
Tuesday, May 5,
2020--Day 20
___Bible verse: oral practise ___Calendar:
Fill in number of the day ___Weather chart: Fill in weather graph
___Phonograms: Oral review of: ay,ai,
ch, dge, ear, ee, ie, igh, ir, ng, oa, oo, or, ow, ou, th, ur, wh, wor, wr
___Reading: Quiet Reading (10 min) Practise
oral reading (Reading A-Z or Epic Books)
___Spelling: Practise words on Spelling
City. (see blog page)
___Writing: Grammar
___Math: Data Management
___Science: Seasons: Plants in
Wednesday, May 6,
2020--Day 21
___Bible verse: oral practise ___Calendar:
Fill in number of the day ___Weather chart: Fill in weather graph
___Phonograms: Oral review of: ay,ai,
ch, dge, ear, ee, ie, igh, ir, ng, oa, oo, or, ow, ou, th, ur, wh, wor, wr
___Reading: Quiet Reading (10 min)
Practise oral reading (Reading A-Z or Epic Books)
___Spelling: Practise words on Spelling
City. (see blog page)
___Writing: Story Comprehension “My
___Math: Subtraction (-4,-5 review)
___Socials: Recycle, Reuse, Reduce “Putting
Trash in its Place
Thursday, May 7, 2020--Day
___Bible verse: oral practise ___Calendar:
Fill in number of the day ___Weather chart: Fill in weather graph
___Phonograms: Oral review of: ay,ai,
ch, dge, ear, ee, ie, igh, ir, ng, oa, oo, or, ow, ou, th, ur, wh, wor, wr
___Reading: Quiet Reading (10 min)
Practise oral reading (Reading A-Z or Epic Books)
___Spelling: Do the Pre-test on Spelling
City. (see blog page)
___Writing: Story Comprehension “A King’s
___Math: Data Management
___Science: Seasons: “Activities in
Friday, May 8, 2020--Day
___Bible verse: oral practise ___Calendar:
Fill in number of the day ___Weather chart: Fill in weather graph
___Phonograms: Oral review of: ay,ai,
ch, dge, ear, ee, ie, igh, ir, ng, oa, oo, or, ow, ou, th, ur, wh, wor, wr
___Reading: Quiet Reading (10 min)
Practise oral reading (Reading A-Z or Epic Books)
___Spelling: Spelling Test on Spelling
City. (see blog page)
___Writing: Grammar
___Math: Subtraction (-6)
___Socials: Recycle, Reuse, Reduce “Trash vs.
Extra Activities
(optional--see email)
Pictures to send (see email)
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