Day 9--Monday April 20, 2020----HAPPY BIRTHDAY,
___Practise Bible verse
___Weather Chart
___Calendar Chart
___Phonograms Practise (Are
you using the flashcards or your Multi-Phonogram booklet?) Here are the
multi-letter phonograms you have learned so far: sh, th, oo, ee, er,
oy, oi, ch, ow, ou, ay, ai, ea, or, ew, ui, ng, ar, wh, aw, au, oe, oa, ed, ck,
ir, ur, wor, ear, igh, ie, dge, wr, sh, ti, ci si, ch, tch, ei, ey, eigh,
ph Wow! Do you know all of them?
___Spelling (see sheets for
the new words) In your blue spelling scribbler, print these 10 words with
the markings as I show in my example sheet. Here are the words----only 10
for the week!!
(that, them, white, paper, cut, it’s= it is,
sick, gave, give, free
___Reading: 10 minutes
quiet reading alone
___Reading: 20
minutes of reading with mom/dad/sibling on Epic books, Reading A-Z
___Writing: Journal--Print
the following in your journal and finish the sentence. My favorite
thing to do outside is -----------------. Now draw and color a
picture of this! (picture please)
___Math: Math Facts
practise (Subtraction) (picture please)
___Socials: My
Community---Rules (see information sheet about rules) Workpage on
Rules and Laws (cut and paste) (pictures optional)
Day 10--Tuesday, April 21, 2020
___Practise Bible verse
___Weather Chart
___Calendar Chart
___Phonograms Practise
___Spelling: Let’s do
rainbow words in our spelling books. Use crayon, pencil crayons or felt
markers. Make it colorful, but be
careful to print correctly!
___Reading: 10 minutes
quiet reading alone
___Reading: Echo read
“Basketball” story. Now try to read it out loud by yourself. Answer
questions with complete sentences. (picture please)
___Writing: “My Fish
Andy”. Read and find the answers to the questions in the story. You
can do this! (picture optional)
___Math: Measurement
(see sheets)(pictures optional)
___Socials: Read
about citzen/citizenship (sheets) Do the workpage “Are you a good
citizen?” (pictures optional)
Day 11--Wednesday, April 22, 2020
___Practise Bible verse
___Weather Chart
___Calendar Chart
___Phonograms Practise
___Spelling: Let’s go
to Vocabulary/Spelling City and try out a couple of games. Isn’t this a
fun way to do Spelling?
___Reading: 10 minutes
quiet reading alone
___Reading: 20
minutes of reading with mom/dad/sibling on Epic books, Reading A-Z
___Math: Let’s do
some subtraction. You are doing great learning these math subtraction
facts! Keep it up, you can do it!!! (picture optional)
___Science: Let’s
talk about spring again! Can you read the information? How about
answering in a complete sentence? Yes
you can! (picture please)
Day 12--Thursday April 23, 2020
___Practise Bible verse
___Weather Chart
___Calendar Chart
___Phonograms Practise
___Spelling: Let’s go
to Vocabulary/Spelling City and try out the Spelling Pretest.
___Reading: 10 minutes
quiet reading alone
___Reading: 20
minutes of reading with mom/dad/sibling on Epic books, Reading A-Z
How are you doing with reading?
on line: “The Day That Crayons Quit” Click on the link at the end of the
lesson plans, to listen to this story!
Grammar/Phonics (see sheets) (pictures please)
___Math: Subtraction
practise. You are getting good at this! (picture please)
___Science: The
Forest Habitat. Let’s make a flip book. Look in your blue Science duotang
and look how you made your Ocean Habitat flip book. Use this as a guide
for your Forest Habitat book. Parents will
help you glue the pictures on the correct page. This project might take a
couple of days. That’s ok. Enjoy this learning and send a picture when
you complete the project.
Day 13--Friday, April 24, 2020
___Practise Bible verse
___Weather Chart
___Calendar Chart
___Phonograms Practise
___Spelling: Take the
Spelling Test (picture please)
___Reading: 10 minutes
quiet reading alone
___Reading: 20
minutes of reading with mom/dad/sibling on Epic books, Reading A-Z
Grammar/Phonics (see sheets) (send one picture)
___Math: Practise
subtraction. Is it getting easier with practise?
___Bible: Read “Two
Friends see Jesus”. Here’s a coloring page for you!
___Art: “If I Could
Go Anywhere” Make a postcard. Send
me a picture! Remember to use 4 or more colors (crayons and/or pencil crayons)