Saturday, 11 April 2020

April 14-17 Lesson Plans

Note to Parents: Not all items need to be sent back to me. Some items (weather chart, calendar) can be sent in at the end of the month.  I will indicate which items I would like to have a copy of completed work.  But use your discretion as time allows for you.  As far as reading goes, once your child is ready to read a book independently to me, you can send a 5 minute video clip. Do not worry if they cannot read the entire book in that time frame. I just need a glimpse of independent reading.  Once a week is what I am hoping for. Thank you for all the wonderful pictures/videos you have sent me so far!!! You are doing amazing work with your children.

Day 5--Tuesday, April 14, 2020 (Remember to practise your Bible verse for the month, each day or whatever necessary to learn for the month---see Bible verse posted on last week’s day plan!)

___Weather Calendar:  Fill in weather chart for the day.

___Calendar:  Insert new numbers from the weekend and up to today.  Discuss today is….; yesterday was…..; tomorrow will be…..

___Phonograms:  Oral review of all multi-letter phonograms.  Do you have the phonogram cards?  If not, do you have the green booklet that I sent home that will help you and your parents practise the sounds.  Here are the new phonograms we will be learning.  Beside each new phonogram is what you need to say for the sound of the multi-letter phonogram. Understand that some multi-letter phonograms have more than one sound. eigh (/A/--4 letter /A/), ei (/A/- /E/-/i/ that we may not use at the end of English words, ey (/A/-/E/-/i/ that we may use at the end of English words, ph /f/--2 letter /f/  

____Spelling:  Let’s go to the page on my blog called “Spelling City” to review the Spelling words. (under pages on the right side of my blog---click onto Spelling City)  I will send you the user name for your child and their password on a separate email.  After logging in, on the home page are the assignments for this week.  The spelling list is under the “List &Games” tab , April 6-17. For today, please try to do “Missing Letter” and “Word Unscramble”  (in that order)  Have fun learning these words in a new way.

____Writing:  Journal:  Let’s print this line in our journal-----Easter is all about…….Now complete the sentence and draw/color a picture of this! (send a picture please) 

____Reading:   10 minutes of quiet reading alone

____Reading:  Practise reading with someone the levelled books you have.  Ready to send me a  5 min. Video clip of you reading? That’s awesome!  Already done this?  Need some new reading?  Great, now you are ready to practise reading from books on-line.  (some of you have signed up for Epic books and that is great and will do)  Another choice is  Reading A-Z (click on my side page on the blog that says Reading A-Z)  Click on your child’s reading level.  Click on type of genre. (fiction, non-fiction) Scroll down to a book your child would like to read. Under the title Book Resources, click on single sided book and the download will show on the bottom left of your screen. Click on the download and the book will appear for reading. (use arrow keys to navigate pages) 

___Math:  Subtraction:  How do we do this?  You know.  Use your numberline.  Start with the first number (what you have) and hop backwards on the numberline (what you are giving away). Where you land is your answer!  Some of you do not need the number line.  You simply count backwards in your mind.  What works best for you?  Let’s try 2 easy work pages today.(send me a picture)  ;Bonus: Math Game: Play the roll and color game

____Socials:  “Me on the Map”.  (2 day project).  Color and label “This is my World”, “This is my continent”  “This is my country”  (see instruction on bottom of each page)  Cut out the circles on the dark lines (not the dashed line) and save for later assembly.  (The rest of the pages can be done tomorrow)

____ Art:  Learning About Line (what is a vertical, horizontal, diagonal line?)  Have fun and create your own design of these lines. (send a picture)

Day 6--Wednesday, April 15, 2020

___Weather Calendar:  Fill in weather chart for the day

___Calendar:  Insert new numbers from the weekend and up to today.  Discuss today is….; yesterday was…..; tomorrow will be…..

___Spelling:  Let’s do some more practise on the weblink on my blog called “Spelling City”.  This time let’s practise “Word Search”.

___Writing:  “Flying High”  Can you read the story out loud?  Now let’s answer the questions from the words in the story.  You can do this…...good job! (send picture)

___Reading: 10 minutes Quiet Reading on your own.

___Reading with parent:  A-Z Reading book. (practise two books)

___Math:  More subtraction practise. (Color the fishes) (send a picture) Bonus Game:  Play “Roll It to the Top” with someone. (Roll 2 dice. Add numbers. Each person has their own sheet (copy off two sheets) Color in your number of the added dice, starting at the bottom square. First person to complete a full column is the winner!

___Socials:  Finish project from yesterday. (my province, my town, me) Assemble the cut out circles into a booklet. (staple) (picture please) Watch Brain Pop Jr. (Social Studies---Continents and Oceans)

Day 7--Thursday, April 16, 2020

___Weather Calendar:  Fill in weather chart for the day

___Calendar:  Insert new numbers from the weekend and up to today.  Discuss today is….; yesterday was…..; tomorrow will be…..

___Spelling:  Spelling City---Do “Practise Test”  You are almost ready for the Spelling Test tomorrow!

___Writing:  “A Perfect Pig”  Can you read the story out loud?  Now let’s answer the questions from the words in the story.  You know how to do this! (send picture)

___Reading: 10 minutes Quiet Reading on your own.

___Reading with parent:  A-Z Reading book. (practise two books)

___Math: Measurement: In your measurement booklet that you have at home, try “Handy Measure” page. (if you do not have the pictured items in your home, change the word to measure the length of something else you can measure in your home. (send picture) Bonus:  Math game: “Fill in the Spaces”.  NOTE: Use only one dice for this game.

___Science: “Spring Weather”  Read the story and answer the questions.  The answers are in the story! (send picture)

___Bible:  Have your parent read the story of “Samuel”.  Question to discuss: What does this story tell you about obedience to God?

Day 8--Friday, April 17, 2020

___Weather Calendar:  Fill in weather chart for the day

___Calendar:  Insert new numbers from the weekend and up to today.  Discuss today is….; yesterday was…..; tomorrow will be…..

___Spelling:  Let’s take a Spelling test. (see Spelling Test paper)  Have your parent score your test and send me a picture of how you did!

___Writing:  “My mailbox” Practise reading the story.  Now let’s answer the questions from the words in the story.  This is easy!!
(send picture)

___Reading: 10 minutes Quiet Reading on your own.

___Reading with parent:  A-Z Reading book or Epic book  (practise two books)

___Math: Measurement: Use your measurement booklet that you have at home, try “How Many Books” page. (if you do not have the pictured items in your home, change the word to measure the height of something else you can measure in your home. (send picture) .

___Science:  Animals/Plants of the forest habitat.  Look and read the names of the animals on the listed pages. (keep these reference pages of animals for later reference)  Complete “What Belongs in the Forest” page.  Bonus:  “Wildlife Biologist” Pencil draw a picture of one of the forest animals and label the animal. (use the sheets of the animals as a guide.) (Send pictures)