Hello parents, here is next week's lesson plans for your child. Thanks for all the work you are doing with your child. Keep it up!!! Remember to check the video chat schedule for your child's next chat with me.
Day 9--Monday April 20, 2020----HAPPY BIRTHDAY,
___Practise Bible verse
___Weather Chart
___Calendar Chart
___Phonograms Practise (Are
you using the flashcards or your Multi-Phonogram booklet?) Here are the
multi-letter phonograms you have learned so far: sh, th, oo, ee, er,
oy, oi, ch, ow, ou, ay, ai, ea, or, ew, ui, ng, ar, wh, aw, au, oe, oa, ed, ck,
ir, ur, wor, ear, igh, ie, dge, wr, sh, ti, ci si, ch, tch, ei, ey, eigh,
ph Wow! Do you know all of them?
___Spelling (see sheets for
the new words) In your blue spelling scribbler, print these 10 words with
the markings as I show in my example sheet. Here are the words----only 10
for the week!!
(that, them, white, paper, cut, it’s= it is,
sick, gave, give, free
___Reading: 10 minutes
quiet reading alone
___Reading: 20
minutes of reading with mom/dad/sibling on Epic books, Reading A-Z
___Writing: Journal--Print
the following in your journal and finish the sentence. My favorite
thing to do outside is -----------------. Now draw and color a
picture of this! (picture please)
___Math: Math Facts
practise (Subtraction) (picture please)
___Socials: My
Community---Rules (see information sheet about rules) Workpage on
Rules and Laws (cut and paste) (pictures optional)
Day 10--Tuesday, April 21, 2020
___Practise Bible verse
___Weather Chart
___Calendar Chart
___Phonograms Practise
___Spelling: Let’s do
rainbow words in our spelling books. Use crayon, pencil crayons or felt
markers. Make it colorful, but be
careful to print correctly!
___Reading: 10 minutes
quiet reading alone
___Reading: Echo read
“Basketball” story. Now try to read it out loud by yourself. Answer
questions with complete sentences. (picture please)
___Writing: “My Fish
Andy”. Read and find the answers to the questions in the story. You
can do this! (picture optional)
___Math: Measurement
(see sheets)(pictures optional)
___Socials: Read
about citzen/citizenship (sheets) Do the workpage “Are you a good
citizen?” (pictures optional)
Day 11--Wednesday, April 22, 2020
___Practise Bible verse
___Weather Chart
___Calendar Chart
___Phonograms Practise
___Spelling: Let’s go
to Vocabulary/Spelling City and try out a couple of games. Isn’t this a
fun way to do Spelling?
___Reading: 10 minutes
quiet reading alone
___Reading: 20
minutes of reading with mom/dad/sibling on Epic books, Reading A-Z
___Math: Let’s do
some subtraction. You are doing great learning these math subtraction
facts! Keep it up, you can do it!!! (picture optional)
___Science: Let’s
talk about spring again! Can you read the information? How about
answering in a complete sentence? Yes
you can! (picture please)
Day 12--Thursday April 23, 2020
___Practise Bible verse
___Weather Chart
___Calendar Chart
___Phonograms Practise
___Spelling: Let’s go
to Vocabulary/Spelling City and try out the Spelling Pretest.
___Reading: 10 minutes
quiet reading alone
___Reading: 20
minutes of reading with mom/dad/sibling on Epic books, Reading A-Z
How are you doing with reading?
on line: “The Day That Crayons Quit” Click on the link at the end of the
lesson plans, to listen to this story!
Grammar/Phonics (see sheets) (pictures please)
___Math: Subtraction
practise. You are getting good at this! (picture please)
___Science: The
Forest Habitat. Let’s make a flip book. Look in your blue Science duotang
and look how you made your Ocean Habitat flip book. Use this as a guide
for your Forest Habitat book. Parents will
help you glue the pictures on the correct page. This project might take a
couple of days. That’s ok. Enjoy this learning and send a picture when
you complete the project.
Day 13--Friday, April 24, 2020
___Practise Bible verse
___Weather Chart
___Calendar Chart
___Phonograms Practise
___Spelling: Take the
Spelling Test (picture please)
___Reading: 10 minutes
quiet reading alone
___Reading: 20
minutes of reading with mom/dad/sibling on Epic books, Reading A-Z
Grammar/Phonics (see sheets) (send one picture)
___Math: Practise
subtraction. Is it getting easier with practise?
___Bible: Read “Two
Friends see Jesus”. Here’s a coloring page for you!
___Art: “If I Could
Go Anywhere” Make a postcard. Send
me a picture! Remember to use 4 or more colors (crayons and/or pencil crayons)