Wednesday, 11 December 2019

Sight Words / Phonograms

Here are the phonograms your child should know. (pgs 1-3 of the Multi-letter phonogram booklet sent home earlier)  sh, th, oo, ee, er, oy,oi, ch, ow, ou, ay, ai, ea, or, ew, ui.  I will be testing the students next week.

We have completed pgs 1-7 of the Sight Word Booklet I sent home.  These are the words your child should be able to read.  a, big, down, go, in, little, my, red, the, up, you, and, blue, find, help, is, look, not, run, three, we, away, can, for, help, it, make, one, said, to, ride, so, they, want, what.  I will be testing the students next week.